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December 17, 2019--Holiday Party and Annual Meeting

PLEASE NOTE:  Our December meeting is a week earlier than normal to avoid some of the holiday issues.  We will be meeting at a private home this month and a little earlier than usual.  The meeting will be held Tuesday, December 18 at 6:00 PM at a soon to be announced location. Note that this is not the fourth Tuesday of the month and not at the usual place! This is our annual Holiday Season party. The usual high jinks will once again occur. We will have a “cut-throat” crazy gift exchange. Members are requested to bring an orchid related gift valued at $15 or less . If your spouse or significant other would like to participate in the gift exchange they should bring a gift, as well. This will also be a pot luck. Members whose last name begins A-M should bring a salad or appetizer and N-Z should bring a main dish or dessert . This month only, please do not bring plants for the monthly Show-And- Tell as we will be doing other things. We look forward to seeing each of you. Happy Holidays!

Regarding preordering for our January meeting, go to and look around. In addition to Paphs and Phrags you will also find some Lycaste orchids available. I am attaching a form Graham sent me to list your orders on. You can email them directly to him,, anytime between now and January 15th, which is a hard deadline. I would suggest you CC your order to me so I can be sure he has all of them. Just list your plants on the form and attach to an email with the subject line “Alaska pre-order” so they accumulate in his in box. Pricing will be the Alaska price plus $1 or, if their is no Alaska price listed, plus $2. FYI, Graham is a wholesaler and the prices do reflect that—this is a great opportunity. The plants will be shipped to me just before the program on January 28th and distributed at the meeting. Payment will be collected at the meeting when the orchids are distributed. Payment must be cash or check—no credit cards are accepted. Please note: Graham will NOT be bringing extra orchids for purchase at the January meeting—you must preorder by January 15th if you would like some new plants. If you would like to order something, but won’t be in town for the January meeting let me know and I can probably babysit them for you for a little while. On a personal note, may I say this is the easiest order we have ever placed and I really, really like it! Be sure to mark January 28th on your calendar so you don’t miss this meeting! Let me know if you have any questions.

Earlier Event: November 26
November 26, 2019--Regular Meeting
Later Event: January 28
January 28, 2020--Regular Meeting